What’s the Deal with GMOs and are they Safe?

You’ve probably seen recent headlines exclaiming that Chipotle is officially GMO free. People seem thrilled about this revamp on their favorite guacamole, but do people truly understand what this change...
How to Stay Fit in NYC this Summer

How to Stay Fit in NYC this Summer

Wondering how to stay fit in nyc this summer? Well, when the weather heats up, it’s time to get outside and make NYC your gym! Whether you’re looking for a full body boot camp or a more relaxing,...
Body Local NYC

Health and Wellness from Body Local

For individuals working in the health and wellness industry in NYC, it can be hard connecting with others in the field. Sure you may have your accra yoga partner and your green juice drinking buddy, but hardly...
Clean Plates NYC

Behind The Kitchen with Jared Koch of Clean Plates

After briefly meeting Jared Koch, the creator and co-author of Clean Plates, I was thrilled to sit down with him for an official Behind the Kitchen interview. As a fellow alum of the University of Michigan,...
Seed popup dinner

Our Delicious Time at The Seed Popup Dinner

As more and more people shift to a greener, plant-based lifestyle, it is wonderful to have organizations like The Seed who make the shift delicious and accessible to New Yorkers. They've been hosting monthly...
Best Tailors in NYC

Looking Good! Best Tailors in NYC

Whether you're planning a walk down the aisle, you have serious dreams of moving up the corporate ladder, or you simply want to take up those awesome jeans that have six-inches-too-much awesomeness in the...

Bringing the Farmers Market to you: Farmigo

I try to take my favorite dance class at least once a week. It’s a bit out of the way from where I live, so it’s hard find motivation to make the trek over. But once I discovered that I could pick up my...